Contact Us


Have a question about an order you placed on this site? You can always contact customer service at and we'll be happy to help! If you're a store owner carrying Tech Candy (or you want to be), this contact is not the one for you. See "Wholesale Orders" below.


If you are a wholesale buyer with a store, and you'd like to place a wholesale order, please contact the appropriate Tech Candy sales rep for your area. If you have a customer service issue that your wholesale Tech Candy sales rep cannot assist with, please email Cherie Stine at for help. If you're a customer who placed an order on this site, this contact is not the one for you. See "Web Orders" above.


If you have a press enquiry, please email April Mraz at for help. This contact is for members of the press only. 



We have recently spoken with several individuals who contacted us about an unauthorized amount billed to their credit card they believe was charged by our company. Amounts billed vary, but are often $14.95 or $89.95. The charge is billed by a website “” (note the dash in the URL), which is not us. Some individuals referenced an ad on the internet claiming to give away a free iPad for the cost of shipping, which resulted in the fraudulent charges. However, we have no affiliation with this company. We never offer free iPads, and we never charge you for something you did not order. We've been in business for 11 years and are a reputable company that is randomly and unfortunately the target of thieves who are trying to pose as us.
Our site is only or (never with a dash in the URL), and our charges appear on your statement as "MixCraft | Trove | Tech Candy". We have discussed this issue at length with our credit card processor who advises the only way to shut these scammers down is for you to please dispute the charge with your bank or credit card. We are continuing to do all we can to stop this fraud from our end.